I know what you're thinking. "I've heard this before, 'figure out and write down your goals' Yeah, at New Years right?" Tony Robbins calls this getting caught up in the Law of Familiarity. Don't brush off the importance of writing down and making concrete what your focus is for the major areas of our life. Bosses, partners, friends, and many others are interested in what your vision is, and if it's matching theirs.
When writing your goals, be creative, imaginative and outragious. This gets you to open up that part of yourself that has been limited and kept stuck. We want goals that we are inspired by and absolutely committed to working towards. That's why in Holistic Coaching sessions, I ask clients to write down why their committed to working on them. It's all about cost and benefit. What is the cost of not achieving this goal and what is the benefit from achieving it. This is a great barometer of how invested you are in the goal. By putting goals down and knowing why we're committed, we are developing personal power.
Make a list of your Personal Development Goals. This could be work goals, relationship goals, spiritual goals, etc. When you're done, write a 1, 3, 5, 10 or 20 next to each one determining how many years you're committed to having them achieved in. Make sure you have a couple that are for the next year. Remember, you don't need to know the HOW, just the WHY.
And that brings us to our next part: Take your top three year 1 goals and write down why you're absolutely committed to achieving them in the next year.
Write one action you will take to initiate each of the goals TODAY. If you picked a general goal such as "Earn 100,000 dollars next year", you still need a specific task that leads you towards this goal. This could be interviewing someone in your professional field that is making that kind of money. Ask them how they got to where they are and what advice they give. This could build a connection, give you great tips or educate you to make a really informed decision. This is initial progress towards attaining these goals. Get going, there's no better time than NOW!
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