Monday, September 27, 2010


    Today I'm reflecting on balance and its importance in living holistically.  As I wrote last week, part of living holistically is understanding of the interconnected nature of the different areas in our life and keeping our whole self in mind.  The main areas I work on with folks are:

Self Care
Self Esteem
Life Purpose

As we start to look consciously at major life areas, we start to notice what areas we are strong and weak in.  This is important because to change our life, we need to know where to start.  We have to set goals based on where we want to go.  As we work on one area, others become stronger and we start to see overall balance return between areas.  

This work is so exciting because I've seen clients develop confidence and joy in one difficult part in their life, and quickly become and inspired and motivated from the changes happening for them.  I remind them that they have made those changes and are seeing their own power in action.  

Spiritually, I believe that when we move into a joyful grateful space, a space where our life is becoming what we've desired for so long, we are energetically creating a place for new and wonderful things to arrive in our life.  Our next step is to really allow the changes, connections and positive aspects flood our consciousness.  We have unlimited power and potential. Chose to surprise yourself by reaching out, educating yourself, and practicing acts of kindness on yourself and others.  The balance will start to happen without you even being aware of it... and when it does it will feel awesome.   

Monday, September 20, 2010

Holistic Life's First Blog!


       I'm so excited to begin my first holistic blog.  This will be a space for you to come relax with me, read and take time for yourself to reflect on your whole life.

Holistic is defined as:
  1. Of or relating to holism.
    1. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.
    2. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts: holistic medicine; holistic ecology.
    3. identifying with principles of holism in a system of therapeutics, esp. one considered outside the mainstream of scientific medicine, as naturopathy or chiropractic, and usually involving nutritional measures.
    4. of or relating to the the medical consideration of the complete person, physically and psychologically, in the treatment of disease
    5. relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts < holistic  medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body>
      To live holistically, you need to live balanced.  For example, many people give so much to others at work or home, but give no time, care or break time to themselves.  This is an imbalance of self care, work and play.  Some people are eating a lot of meat and carbohydrates with few vegetables in their diet.  This is a nutritional, self care and fitness imbalance.  Notice I didn't pick one, but a few areas out of balance for each example.  As a Holistic Coach, I need to understand the interrelated and connected nature of the major areas and how they're helping or hurting us in living our best life. 
      Now is your chance to do the same thing.  This blog will be a time each week for you to make you a priority and a time to reassess your goals and a time to check in on an important area of your life. I'm so happy to have you a part of this.  I'm thrilled to live my dreams and passions with you as I fulfill my purpose of helping and healing others.  Take care till next week beautiful people!