Monday, November 8, 2010

Self Care Is Number 1

           Yes, it is.  Instinctively you know why.  Have you ever felt extremely busy and overwhelmed at work and knew you needed to take a break but just refused to?  What happened? I bet you got sick.  That's because the body is always giving us warnings about what is too much for us.  If we listen, and take care of ourselves, the body will continue providing energy, focus, stamina, and healthy functionality.  If not, the body responds with "FINE.  I'll make you take a break then!" And suddenly we come down with something.
Self care is number 1
           It's needs to be a priority for you.  Self care is any activity that nourishes your mind, body or spirit.  It's any activity that feels good, that improves health, that is positive for your whole being.  It's personally rewarding and is key to optimum performance and joy in the day to day.
          Another example of lack of self care:  Have you ever been in the supermarket and seen a mother with her small children trying to grocery shop.  Her hair's a little disheveled and she has bags under her eyes.  She is exhausted.  Of course she is! She hasn't hired a baby sitter in god knows how long.  And she's in the market snapping at her kids.  Grabbing items out of their hands in frustration.  By not taking care of herself,  her kids pay the ultimate price.

It still is number one      
               So I'm sure what you're seeing, and what I'm trying to point out today, is that self care IS number one.  We cannot be our best for ourselves or others when we don't take adequate care of ourselves.  In my holistic coaching or EFT sessions, clients often tell me, "I don't have time (or money) to take care of myself".  Which is simply not true!  It's like people that say "I was too busy to call you back over the last two weeks."  We are ALL busy.   But we also have little chunks of time here and there. We also have support from people who can help us take breaks. It is possible and now is the time to figure out how you're going to take time out for yourself each day.

         But as I always say, awareness comes first. When I was teaching Kindergarten and First grade, I never took breaks.  I had the option of dialing the secretary and getting someone to cover my class for bathroom breaks, tea breaks, 10 minutes here or there.  But I didn't.  And it was only through therapy that I realized that I believed I'd be a bad teacher if I took breaks.  I believed my class would go haywire without me.  I believed that I wouldn't be able to get everything done if I took breaks.  Now I look back and know I had a choice, but at the time I felt I didn't.  My irrational beliefs were guiding my choices.

What does your self care look like?
            What choices are you making every day to take care of yourself or not take care of yourself?
How much time do you take socially or alone?
What are your eating habits and what quality of food do you ingest?
Do you break away from the computer?
Do you nap?
Do you hydrate?
Do you see specialists like acupuncturists, chiropractors, herbalists?
Are you exercising and getting outdoors?
How do you relax?

       I'm not suggesting you do ALL of these!  There are SO many ways to take care of ourselves each day, each week.  Just a little added self care can make all the difference in your mood, energy level and appearance.  Take a moment and let me know how you take care of yourself in a comment below.  Take care!

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